Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard?

 Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard?

Life is easy. How we make our life complex. In this video the speaker introduces us to animals and birds, which we in the modern day have got so disconnected from, how they build a nest in 2 days or a rat burrows a hole in a night. But we humans take 20 or 30 years paying housing loans, spending a good part of our lives.

It tells us that whether we work 8 hours a day or 2-3 hours a day happiness depends on where our minds get peace.

Live a simple life and wear simple clothes and don’t compare yourself to others. People who have time, they understand about themselves and they can see what they want in their life. Anyone can have a house whether it be rich or poor, we need to think, when we are buying something we like it or we actually need it.

We need to save seed for future generations as seed is very important for us.

No seed no happiness

No seed no freedom

It’s our choice to make life easy or hard. It depends on us.


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