What role has technology played in the spread of world Covid-19 pandemic

What role has technology played in the spread of world Covid-19 pandemic?


Researchers of America has said that many people has used internet and had told that how much it is essential or important to them while others were struggling, how to use the internet.



Everybody was celebrating the new year and making new friends and resolutions like more travel, more savings and learning new skills. At that time no one expected that in some months, there would be a lockdown all over the world. People were asked to limit the social contact to contain the spread of Covid -19 spread. Government and doctors were advising to quarantine themselves and still are asking as the pandemic has still not been over. Due to the pandemic our life has been affected both physically, socially and economically.

In this pandemic technology has helped us very much whether it be spending time or ordering food, medicines, sanitizer or helping doctors to find out the health updates of the patient. With the help of technologies like Internet of things, Internet of Medical things and other emerging tools like robots, drones and autonomous vehicles.

It is making differences in the health sector during the pandemic. Digital health has become an important part now in our life. It encompases on devices that enable virtual care to the patient without being present there and also get all the data of the patient whether it be patient’s history or test results.

Medical Health

More advancement and practical  things are going to come with the help of new technologies like better X -ray machines, stethoscopes, cardiologist machines and many more and new ventilators are trying to be made to make people alive. Many firms are trying this.

WHO  has also created a new website to keep rolling updates and top stories on Coronavirus. Many people are online streaming on social media  to tell people about precautions and more information about  pandemics.

As pandemics are sometimes rising and delaying, people and technology are trying to become more advanced and researchers are trying to get more information about the virus and technology.



Businesses all over the world run on IT to keep going smoothly. Everything was getting affected whether it would be supply chain or human resources and the government had asked all organisations to work from home. The work from home requires a lot of commitment and investment from everybody in the organisation to work perfectly. No one knows till how much time pandemic will be going on or will move to endemic. Researchers are trying to find out how to curb this virus and in this regard vaccines have been developed and till now half of the population has been vaccinated.


Pandemic has affected lots of people and many things also whether it be small or big. Pandemic comes and goes but no one knows how long it will be there. The Caronavirus pandemic is still going on and people are trying to fight against it. In India we called doctors, nurses and watchmens and many other workers who were fighting when this pandemic was on high. I want to salute each and every one who fights from this pandemic and hoping this pandemic will end soon.


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