Persistence is pivotal

Persistence is pivotal

Persistence means to do something stubbornly or to do work till one gets satisfied. It is one of the qualities of a person's success. If you either want to lose pounds, get good grades in academics, want to get rich, etc, persistence is the key to success. Initially, we need to identify our needs, then we need to make a list of it from high to low priority and choose the one which is most important to us in order to get success and fulfil our dreams. 

There is always a community of people who will always be there to demotivate you and become a hurdle in the achievement of your goal.

So, As a persistent person, it is very necessary to be focussed on your goals to achieve what you want  in your life at an early stage. We have to work in a consistent manner in a direction and should overcome all the obstacles in that field. Our life is like a coin, it has some pros and cons, each time we flip a coin in the sky and expect that every flip will always favour us. But in reality it will not happen. 

It is not always necessary that you will always feel happy, every story has some laugh and cry, it is incomplete without them. A person does not always feel the same, he has all the emotions, sometimes it is good and sometimes it is bad. So, apart from it we have to forget about the things going on and enjoy each and every moment of our life with full passion and happiness. 

We have to do a task until and unless we get it completed and work in that direction. Each completed goal will help to reach the final destination. And in result helps to make a satisfied person. We have to keep doing everything with full honesty and gracefully. We will always face challenges and obstacles but we need to be persistent in our goal. If our goal is not achieved today  we have to make an effort to make them fulfil them tomorrow. Being persistent will pay off after some time. Success will come to those who have the courage to want it.

Reference link: Persistence is Pivotal | Dr Meenakshi Chaudhary | TEDxIIMRanchi


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